This all-day workshop explores common postural and movement issues in the neck, upper torso and shoulders and explores techniques to deal with the most common patterns and complaints in this area.
Note that this workshop is in Astoria, OR.
9/9/23, 9AM-6PM
8 Contact Hour CEs (NCBTMB)
Cost $200
Max students: 10
We will spend the morning (3 hours) delving into posture and movement assessment. We will explore bone positions in real and relative motion comparisons. We will explore common postural patterns and the myofascial structures responsible for creating these patterns. We will explore how fascial lines of tension connect postural patterns throughout the upper body. We will also look at ways to recognize restricted fascia and tense muscles, even in areas where the posture is neutral. We will also look at breathing pattern issues and how these can be related to neck and shoulder posture, tension and pain. Students will be given a worksheet of postural checks to go through when looking at clients.
We will look at numerous examples of postural distortion patterns in a slideshow format but we will also be spending most of our time looking at the posture of workshop participants so we can address any postural concerns with our work in the afternoon. Please bring or wear torso assessment appropriate clothing such as athletic shorts, sports bras, tank tops, etc. if you would like to have your posture assessed in class.
The afternoon (5 hours) will be spent learning efficient methods of releasing the most important myofascial structures outlined in the morning’s posture assessment. A heavy emphasis will be placed on body mechanics to ensure that therapists are not straining themselves to release their client’s tensions. We will explore fascial, myofascial and integrative bodywork techniques to release tissues in the torso, shoulders and neck addressing common client complaint areas, helping our clients stand taller, breath easier and move with less restrictions and discomfort.
Please contact Alex directly to sign up for any Deep Dive Workshop at