Check out our YouTube page for all of our videos. Below is a selection of some of our videos.
Structural Integrator Alex Susbauer provides an overview of techniques focused on the Subscapularis, an often overlooked muscle of the rotator cuff. See how you can integrate post-isometric relaxation pin and stretch lengthening fascial release trigger point and muscle energy techniques to release the Subscapularis.
Integrative Bodyworker Jonathan C. Primack, LMT, of Integration Nation Bodywork, explains Joint Mobilization, a foundational technique of Integrative Bodywork for the Manual Therapist.
Alex Susbauer explores Integrative Bodywork for the Quadratus Lumborum muscle while the client is seated. This technique allows for freeing the fascia of the QL and client reeducation and movement exploration in the process.
Structural Integrator Alex Susbauer, BCSI, of Integration Nation Bodywork gives a demonstration of assessments and techniques that can be used to release and balance the pelvis, helping your clients with postural and gait issues related the the gluteal fan (TFL, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus). This video includes an anatomical overview of the region and specific client assessment tools in order to tailor your approach to this region effectively.
Jonathan and Alex of Integration Nation Bodywork explain and demonstrate a foundational Integrative Bodywork technique: Compartment Separation. This targeted technique frees fascia restrictions, creates space between adjacent muscles, decreases muscle tone, and allows for increased functionality and ease of movement. This fundamental technique can be used all over the body to create better tonality and ease of movement. While Jonathan demonstrates the technique to the pectorals major and anterior deltoid, there are several examples shown in the video of other common places that this technique can be especially helpful.
Structural Integrator and Integrative Bodyworker, Alex Susbauer, BCSI, shares a multitude of self care activities for easing pain and increasing mobility in the spine, abdomen and rib cage.
Structural Integrator and Integrative Bodyworker, Alex Susbauer, BCSI, LMT, shares a multitude of self care activities for easing pain and increasing mobility in the hips, legs and feet.
Integrative Bodyworker, Jonathan Primack, LMT, shares a multitude of self care activities including foam rolling and stretches for easing pain, freeing tissue and increasing mobility in the spine, rib cage, quads, TFL, serratus anterior and pectoral muscles.
Hey Everybody! Jonathan and Alex here from Integration Nation Bodywork just sharing what we've been working on while on hiatus from classes due to the Covid pandemic, including an introduction to the new Podcast Video Series: At Either End of the Massage Table, where we take on common questions and issues from students and fellow manual therapists.
If you have any questions or topics you'd like to here us discuss please drop us a line and let us know!
Where else should we start a new Podcast series with the topic and question we hear all the time from students at our workshops: Where to Start? In this video we are not going to address specific postural concerns and treatment order…that will be for another video for another day. Here we wanted to address this topic from a more philosophical angle.
We always get questions from students and colleagues about how we got started in the field of bodywork. So here we thought we'd share our origin stories in our second "At Either End of the Table Video Podcast Series," wherein Alex reveals how he got good at butterfly kicking and Jonathan reveals that he's an astronaut on the side.
A hot topic at our workshops is that of assessment...not just, "is it really all that important?" (IT IS!!), but how can a therapist perform assessment in time and space-constricted practices. Here are our thoughts.
In the world of Structural Manual Therapy (be that Integrative Bodywork, Structural Integration, massage, PT, and Chiropractic among others) or even Structurally-oriented movement disciplines (such as Yoga, Pilates, etc), there is such an importance placed upon ideal posture. How strictly we follow these posture ideals is always a topic of conversation at our workshops so we had to put out a podcast about this particular topic. As in all things in life, we feel that this is all about holding a balance--when to follow postural ideals and when to let them go and address an individual client's needs and respect asymmetries that can't be changed.
We created this muscle anatomy review video for students preparing for our Ankle and Foot Workshop or anyone that wants a review of the lower leg, ankle and foot muscles, especially massage and bodywork students. We hope you all find it helpful.