Whenever we teach workshops the question always comes up: “These techniques are great but how do I put this all together?“ ….. This class is another step toward answering that question.
In this Advanced Workshop for Session Planning and Strategizing we are going to be exploring posture assessment in detail (all day Saturday). Then, on Sunday, we will spend our time with Suggested Sequences of techniques for addressing specific, common postural concerns. There will be a plethora of learning examples and exercises for understanding and illuminating postural issues and plenty of table-time to experiment with Suggested Sequences for addressing these postural issues.
We are extremely excited to offer this workshop…the Suggested Sequencing approach has been in development since we started writing about Integrative Bodywork principles, ideas and techniques several years ago.
This workshop is currently under development so expect more information in early 2020!
Prerequisites: In order to take this advanced workshop you MUST have already taken at least any TWO other workshops of ours. This is due to the fact that we will be building on ideas, techniques and strategies established in our regular workshops.
It is highly suggested that you have purchased our textbooks to bring with you for the two days for additional support in your sessions.
We have always based our registration on a first-come first-served basis and that full payment is the only way to insure your spot is reserved. With limited available spots this class will fill up quickly so our suggestion is not to wait.
The workshop runs from 10:00 to 6:00 Saturday and Sunday at The Little Church in Portland, OR. There will be a 45 min lunch each day.
14.5 CE Contact Hours
Cost $325
NCBTMB Approved Provider #1000101